
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 03:20:30
西安景阳商贸有限公司是一家专业经销国内外知名酒类的公司。 本公司销售各种洋酒。 公司自2003年成立以来,业务范围目前已遍布全国,在全省大多数城市拥有销售网络。公司产品遍布全省众多型大卖场,大型高级商场、超市,星级酒店,夜总会,中西餐厅,酒吧等。

公司主要销售世界各地的威士忌。 我们深知每一位消费者都希望自己所购的产品质量是最好的,价格是最合理的。几年来我们就是抱着这一信念为客户提供服务,由此我们也得到了良好的回报――拥有大批忠诚的客户。 产品进行严格地质量验收和仓储管理,确保产品质量。

工作时间: 早8:00点到晚7:00点 节假日不休。

West Anjingyang Trading Company is a well-known professional liquor distribution companies at home and abroad. The company sells all kinds of wine. Since its inception in 2003, business has been all over the country, most cities in the province have sales network. Many products throughout the province of hypermarkets, large high-level shopping malls, supermarkets, star hotels, nightclubs, Chinese restaurants and bars.

Company sells whisky around the world. We are keenly aware that each and every consumer will want to purchase the product quality is the best, is the most reasonable price. Years, we have a profound belief that customer service, which we have also been a good return - with a large number of loyal customers. Strict product quality inspection and storage management, to ensure that product quality.

Time: 8:00 point to the early evening at 7:00 endless holidays

西安都能让你翻译成 west an