
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 07:30:47

West Adriatic Sea Venice bay north shore important harbor. Population 343,000. The host constructs on the disembark 4 kilometer seashore shallow water beach, hydraulic mean depth 1.5 meters. Has the railroad, the highway bridge and the land is connected. Is composed of 118 islands, and by 180 canals, 378 bridges connects a body, is interlinked by the boat, has “the aquatic metropolis” the name. A.D. 452 year construction. The 8th century was the Adriatic Sea trade
亚得里亚海威尼斯湾西北岸重要港口。人口34.3万。主建于离岸4公里的海边浅水滩上,平均水深1.5米。有铁路、公路桥与陆地相连。由118个小岛组成,并以 180条水道、378座桥梁联成一体,以舟相通,有“水上都市”之称。公元452年兴建。八世纪为亚得里亚海贸易中心center