
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 12:39:03
纺织行业在各个国家的国民经济中历来占据非常重要的地位,我国纺织品服装连年保持较高的增长势头,至今仍是世界纺织品生产和出口的第一大国。自上世纪八十年代以来,纺织品服装在我国的出口商品中一直位列首位,其进出口贸易的顺差成为我国外汇收入和资金积累的重要来源。但是,我们并不是纺织服装出口的强国,长期的低价竞争使我国的纺织品没有在国际市场上站稳脚跟。 2005年1月1日,配额制全部取消,这将有利于纺织品服装进一步拓展国际市场减少进口国对我国出口的种种限制。虽然我国在劳动力上有一定的优势地位,但在生产技术、经营管理和生产成本方面还处于劣势,加上世界经济形势的不明朗以及全球纺织品服装贸易格局的变化,无配额时代中国的纺织品服装出口将面临国际市场竞争对手的重压和严峻挑战。如何迎接挑战把握机遇,进一步扩大纺织品服装出口,这是直接影响我国经济发展和外汇平衡的重要又迫切的问题。本文通过对中国纺织业的近几年的现状及面临新问题的分析,探讨中国纺织业应该如何把握机遇、扬长避短,做出合理的调整。

The textile industry in various countries in the national economy has always been a very important position in China's textile and apparel years to maintain high momentum of growth is still the world textile production and export's biggest. Since the 1980s, China's textile and apparel exports has been ranked first in its import and export trade surplus has become China's foreign exchange earnings and an important source of capital accumulation. However, we are not textile and garment export of strong and long-term price competition from China's textile products in the international market did not gain a firm foothold. January 1, 2005, the abolition of all quotas, which will be conducive to further expand the international textile and apparel market of the country to reduce imports of the various restrictions on China's exports. Although China's labor force have a certain advantage, but in production technology, management and production costs also at a di