急求翻译,只能给这么多分了,高手帮帮忙啊,不要机器翻译哈!共2500字这边放不下 发邮箱哈

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 13:54:36
还有呢 这个上面发不上来 能不能留个邮箱...我努力赚分,提高悬赏。。。


1. The history of E-Commerce of the Clothing Industry

Since the 1960s, the clothing industry practitioners have experienced competitions for product quantity, quality, and cost. At present, the competition within the industry has been focused on the speed of response to market needs, as well as brand and technological innovation. In China, people's needs for clothes have been changing along with the continuous economic development and rising income levels. To be specific, the present Chinese clothes consumers expect diversification, fashion, and custermization, which is quite at odds with the traditional marketing strategies of mass-production at low costs, coupled with low-price promotions. Quite naturally, clothing manufacturers now pay much attention to custermer's personal demands.

The concept of E-Commerce, ever since its emergence, has seen growing studies and pracitices not only in developed countries, but in developing