esssay加两段paragraph,关于Steven Spielberg和Olympics(在线等,大家帮帮忙,脑袋实在堵塞)

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 07:27:39
Being a sports competition, Olympic Games have become the symbol of sports spirit. China, a major sports country, will hold the 29th Olympic Games in 2008. A few days ago, Steven Spielberg, the Oscar-winning Hollywood director, announced that he would no longer participate as artistic advisor in the Beijing Olympics. The reason is that he thought China hadn’t done its duty to support and solve the problems of Darfur. To be honest, nobody could deny Spielberg’s behaviour. As humanitarian supporters, people can understand, even agree with what he has done. However, if people evaluate this event with detachment, they will find that it is not an acceptable route to express opinions.
Firstly, it is unfair to utilize the Olympic Games to press the internal disorder of Darfur. The Olympic Games, a distinguished gathering, has a history of more than two thousand years, and it is held every four years; holding Olympic Games is a great opportunity for China to exhibit Chinese culture a

Steven Spielberg, the Oscar-winning Hollywood director, has withdrawn as artistic advisor to the Beijing Olympics over China's policy on the conflict in Sudan's Darfur region. The US movie director announced his decision on the same day Nobel Peace laureates wrote to the Chinese president urging a change in policies toward Sudan. Spielberg's move six months before the opening of the Summer Games came as humanitarian groups criticised him for working with Chinese organisers. Early last year he wrote to Hu Jintao, the Chinese president, to express his objections to China's trade ties with Sudan, but Hu did not respond. "I find that my conscience will not allow me to continue business as usual," Spielberg said in a statement. China is Sudan's biggest diplomatic ally and a key trading partner, buying two-thirds of Sudan's oil exports and selling weapons to the Sudanese government.It has threatened to use its veto power to block sanctions against Sudan a