
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 21:57:18
神话传说与经典著作的差异。不同民族的神话传说与经典作品中产生了许许多多的习语与典故,反映了民族风味、社会世态,使各民族的语言充满了情趣与活力,具有独特的表现力。如英语中:“Think with the wise,but talk with the vulgar'’(与智者同思,与俗子同语)出自古希腊格言:“swan song'’是根据西方传说swan(天鹅)临死时发出美妙的歌声,用来比喻“诗人、音乐家等的最后的作品”。又如“Sour grapes'’(酸葡萄)出自《伊索寓言》,比喻“可要可不及的东西”,汉语中有“万事俱行,只欠东风”、“逼上梁山”、“叶公好龙”等,以上例子说明在民族各自丰富的文化遗产中产生的语词包含着丰富的民族文化意味,构成了各民族语言表达方式的鲜明独特性,是其他语言文化所不能替代的。在翻译过程中应尊重各民族文化词语的特点与个性,保留语言存在和表现的形式。

The differences between myths and classics.
There are numerous idioms and literary quotation in the myths and classics of different nationalities . The different ethnic legends and classical works have reflected the ethnic flavor , state social world, and made all the languages of the peoples full of sentiment ,livingness and unique expressiveness . For example in English , the sentence “Think with the wise,but talk with the vulgar” (与智者同思,与俗子同语) is from the ancient Greek motto . “Swan Song'’ is based on that the swan will sing dulcet songs before its death in Western legends . It is compared to the last works of poets and musicians . As well as another example “Sour grapes'’(酸葡萄) is from “Aesop's Fables” , and compared to the reachless things . There are “万事俱行,只欠东风”、“逼上梁山”、“叶公好龙” etc. in Chinese . All these examples show that the rich cultural heritage of their nation in the phrase which the others can not be substituted by language and culture , contains a rich