
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 14:26:08
2007年10月1日开始实行的《物权法》中明确规定应收账款可以出质,标志着在我国争论已久的应收账款能否作为权利质押的问题终于尘埃落定。我国各企业中存在的大量闲置应收账款成为该新型融资制度的“经济基础”,是应收账款资金链中不可或缺的环节。同时,此次我国《物权法》中,借鉴了美国、加拿大等已建立应收账款担保交易登记体系国家的经验,确立了我国应收账款质押登记制度, 为国内银行开展应收账款质押融资业务提供了法律保障,也从法律制度及程序上保证了应收账款质押的运行秩序。 但是,无论对法律制度还是金融市场来说,应收账款质押仍是一项新生事物,其发展方向及运行方式仍有待我国金融市场及法律制度的检验,未来发展趋势仍有待探讨。翻译成英文啊谢谢

October 1, 2007 introduced the "Property Law" clearly provides accounts receivable can produce quality, marked in China has long been controversial accounts receivable as rights can pledge was finally settled. China's enterprises in the large number of idle accounts receivable financing system to become the new "economic fundamentals", accounts receivable financing is an indispensable link in the chain. At the same time, the China's "Property Law", from the United States and Canada have established accounts receivable secured transactions registry system of the experience of countries, and established the China pledged accounts receivable registration system for domestic banks to develop receivable accounts receivable financing business pledge to provide legal protection from the legal system and procedures to ensure the operation of accounts receivable pledge order. However, regardless of the legal system or the financial markets, accounts rece