
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 16:52:13

纽约这里有一个医生 Dr. Jeffrey R Fischman 从2003 年开始采用注射triamcinolone 和5-Fluorouracil 混合剂的方法,取得了很好的疗效。很多人从美国各地甚至加拿大飞来纽约治疗。 我本人有三个黄豆大的瘢痕疙瘩,在Dr. Fischman那治疗后,现在基本平了, 和周围的皮肤差不多,只是有一点微微的淡红色,还在恢复中。这个治疗不是Dr. Fischman发明的,是别人在专业期刊上发表的,方法是公开的,Dr. Fischman 也提供给那些不能来纽约治疗的病人,可以试着拿这个找自己的皮肤科医生看。以下就是 Dr. Fischman 介绍的方法。

Show this to your plastic surgeon or dermatologist:

The treatment isn't "mine" -- it was discovered by a dermatologist in 1999

and he reported it in the medical literature.

It consists of mixing triamcinolone (40mg/cc) 50:50 with 5-Fluorouracil
injecting this combination into the most superficial layers of the keloid.

Wait 2 months and reinject any areas not flat. The full effect of any
injection is not seen for 3 months.

The good news is that all keloids (in my experience) respond.

The bad news is that parts of the keloid will get red and itchy every 4-6
months and have to b