
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/26 01:27:17

Country six, in August, 2007 one of 171 Chinese new words which announces by the Ministry of Education, namely the State Council nine ministries and commissions promulgate in 2006 about the regulation real estate market six policies.Why meets the house price to welcome "Country Six" to rise sharply, this article carries on the analysis to our country real estate tax revenue system.Elaborated our country present real estate tax system reform necessity, the malpractice which and produced to our country present real estate tax system existence question has carried on the analysis, and through with the overseas tax system comparison and the model, proposed to our country present real estate tax system reform the corresponding suggestion and the measure, through carried on the reform by the time to our country real estate tax system, consummated our country present real estate tax system.

Country six, in August, 2007 one which of 171 Chinese new words announces by the Min