
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 19:48:35
中国,960万平方公里的土地上,生长着13亿中华民族的儿女.流着炎黄子孙的鲜血,我们要 在英国的土地上告诉大家,我们是成功的.
中国共23个省, 4个直辖市 , 5个自治区 , 2个特别行政区 .

China,with a total land mass of 1,309,600,000km2 , is the homeland for a huge population of 13 billions. Standing tall and proud as a Chinese, we, here on the British land, want to tell everybody: we are successful.

China has 23 provinces,four municipalities,five autonomous regions, and two Special Administrative Regions.

The capital city of China: Beijing

China,1,309,600,000 land top, in plant 13 the children of the Chinese nation of hundred millions.Flow the Chinese blood,
We want to be on the British land to tell everybody, we are successful.
China totally 23 provinces,4 municipalities,5 autonomous regions,2 Special Administrative Regions.
Chinese capital: BEI JING
