The Payoff for China *翻译 拜托各位啦~~

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 19:01:41
It's clear why the shareholding structure works for Kodak. But it's important to realize that it works for China as well. It gives Chinese authorities a face-saving way to allow industrial reform through the back door.
In the past, the photo industry had been almost entirely closed off to foreign corporations because the government wanted to develop a domestic photofilm industry. Foreign companies like Kodak were restricted to licensing agreements or direct imports, which attracted heavy duties. But domestic manufacturers could not keep up with the industry's rapid technological innovations, and all but one were technically bankrupt by the mid-1990s. Kodak's proposal to create FISCs was therefore considered a good solution by Beijing authorities. No less than five central government organizations, including three ministries, cooperated with Kodak.
The photo industry is hardly unique. The Chinese economy is plagued by inefficiency and overcapacity, much of it d

摄影业是难以独一无二的。中国经济存在的低效率和能力过剩,其中很大一部分是由于中国的高度保护的国内企业。在药品,例如,有大约1800个国内厂商,其中80 %的销售额不少于100万元。 1998年,共有300冷气机制造商组合在一起的存储容量为1000万个单位,两次的市场需求,这一年。这些统计数字显示,公司表示有兴趣在创造一个国库可能会找到一个愿意接受政府的观众。
迹象肯定一点的方式。中国的国家发展计划委员会,其中曾参与创建柯达公司的fiscs ,去年公布的一份研究报告支持"柯达模式" 。 ,并在理论,规管架构已经允许外国企业转换现有的合资企业和wofes到fiscs ,只要她们一直保持赢利为3年。
如果外国公司朝此方向对自己的,它可节省中国当局不必走上了批发转型的法律基础设施的业务。何况, fiscs都是有利的位置,以获得快速上市对深圳和上海证券交易所,使他们更容易筹集资金。基于所有这些原因,许多公司可能会跟随柯达的铅。
