
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/30 13:44:07

I. Sino-American religionary difference in law and cause analyzing
  1.1 Buddhism in Chinese law
  There are five standpoints of master Zhaohui towards the capital punishment of Criminal Law concerning Buddhism.
  1. The law of causation saying goodness is requitable and badness is retributive and death penalty is the responses of one’s current life.
  2. The Buddha encourages victims to confront with the animosity in condonation.
  3. The feeling of victims’ family members ought to be regarded
  4. The Buddha emphasizes on “commandment of not killing lives” based on protecting lives because there is no such “creating theory” in Buddhism.
  5. Buddhism hopes to import the conception of “commandment of not killing lives” to non-Buddhist.
  Buddhism attaches importance on causality; the deed that if a person killed someone without any punishment is contrary to the principle of causality. T