我有一短文不会译成英语,请帮助我吧,急急急这是我毕业论文摘要,不然毕不了业了啊 ......

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 10:01:49
近年来,因未成年学生在校期间,或在学校组织外出的各类活动中,受到意外伤害或致人伤害,严重者甚至导致学生死亡,家长要求学校和加害人承担赔偿责任的事件时有发生。一旦发生此类事故,不仅学生本人及其家庭要承受很大的痛苦,同时也给国家造成了不必要的损失,还影响正常的教学秩序。中小学生校园伤害事故的发生, 情况一般比较复杂,赔偿责任和赔偿标准难以确定,常令有关方面感到棘手。学校在处理事故过程中,往往投入大量的精力,正常教学秩序被打乱,以后再组织活动时变得战战兢兢,如履薄冰。面对几乎不可避免的未成年学生伤害事故,学校应该运用法律武器,依法维护自已的合法权益。依据有关法律、法规的规定,学校与未成年学生之间的法律关系是教育、管理、保护与被教育、被管理与被保护的关系,而不是监护与被监护的关系;学校与未成年学生之间的法律关系的性质决定了学校对未成年学生人身伤害事故承担责任的范围;确定学校对未成年学生人身伤害事故承担责任,既要根据过错责任原则,也应适用无过错责任原则和公平责任原则;未成年学生伤害事故的解决需学校(第三人)、学生、家长及社会各界共同努力。

In recent years, students in the school due to minors, or in schools participating in the various activities, by accident or by people harm, serious or even lead to death of students, parents and the perpetrator require schools to liability occurs from time to time . The event of such incidents, not only students and their families have to endure great pain, but also to the state caused unnecessary losses, but also affect normal teaching order. Campus students harm incidents, the general situation more complicated, liability and compensation standards it is difficult to determine, the parties concerned are often difficult.Schools in the process of dealing with accidents, often putting in a lot of energy, disrupts the normal teaching order, after the organization of activities become fear, treading on thin ice. Faced with the almost inevitable minor injuries students, the school should use the weapon of law to safeguard their own legitimate rights and interests. In accordance with th