忙与做某事be busy doing sth\with sth

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 11:20:23
忙与做某事be busy doing sth
be busy with sth
分别造两个句子 忙于踢足球和忙于游泳

I'm busy playing football.
I'm busy swimming.
I'm busy with playing football.
I'm busy with swimming.

I'm busy playing football.
I'm busy with swimming.

i am busy playing football
i am busy with swimming
be busy doing sth doing 是动词的现在分词形式
be busy with sth with后跟名词就可以

I am busying playing football and swimming.
I am busy with football and swiming.

He is busy playing football.
He is busy swimming

He is busy with football match.
He is busy with swimming