
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 00:33:27
1 对仓鼠特训后期脑电、脑电地形图进行比较研究。结果表明:健将组大脑神经系统机能状态最佳,神经调控能力强。该组仓鼠对特训后期的训练负荷较适应;国际健将组大脑神经系统专项特征明显,但存在一定的神经疲劳。表现在恢复期出现明显的大脑失衡现象;一级组表象时兴奋易扩散,α波指数适应性明显下降,β指数明显上升,都不能及时恢复,尤其在过度换气后的恢复期θ波指数明显增多。

2 对25只健将级仓鼠脑电α波各指标的特征进行研究。结果表明:大龄仓鼠脑电α波的各项指标在安静状态下与适龄仓鼠之间的差异不显著,而在过度换气后的恢复期差异显著,这为特训个性化训练提供参考。

3 对国家TTC队备战大赛冬训阶段的监测表明,专项负荷训练课后,队员顶枕区右侧α频段脑电功率值有下降趋势。而中央回反侧β频段脑电功率值有上升趋势,且有显著性,专项训练课对中枢机能有一定的影响;冬训中低负荷专项训练阶段,队员的中枢神经会有兴奋转向抑制;而在冬训中高负荷专项训练阶段,由于训练的负荷强度增加以及队员注意力高度集中,中枢神经系统的兴奋性会随之提高;队员各项脑电指标存在个体差异,应系统跟踪分析。

4 应用脑电图(EEG)与脑象图(EPQG)技术,使用新的自发性脑电信号编辑模式,对我国优秀战士进行动态追踪研究,旨在探索一种能够直接反映战士战斗前焦虑与恐惧情绪的判识方法。结果发现:不同性别战士两种特异性脑象图之间出现次数并无明显的差别。优秀战士出现的战斗前紧张往往是恐惧情绪,其特异性图形为缩结型脑象图。一般战士出现的赛前紧张主要是焦虑情绪,其特异性图形为逃逸型脑象图。脑电图与脑象图的应用对优秀战士的赛前调控具有重要价值。


The 脑功能 characteristics of the hamster.

One pair of hamsters Texun late EEG, EEG topographic maps for comparative studies. The results show that: master group brain system functions best state, nerve-control ability. The group of hamsters Texun late to the training load more international master group brain system features special obvious, but there are some nerve fatigue. A clear recovery in the performance of the imbalances in the brain; an easy group representation at the proliferation of excitement, α-index decreased adaptability, β index increased significantly, we can not timely recovery, particularly in the hyperventilation after the recovery wave index θ significantly increased.

2 on the 25 master-class hamster EEG α wave characteristics of the various indicators of research. The results show that: older hamsters EEG α wave of the indicators in a quiet state with the age difference between hamsters significantly, and in the recovery period after hyperventilation significantly, and it was personalized t