
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 10:04:56

兰州的:Lanzhou is the capital of Gansu Province in China's Land territory of the geometric centre, north and south hills urban areas, the Yellow River to wear something over the city, with the characteristics of cities banded Basin, located in the upper reaches of the Yellow River, in a temperate continental climate, with cold winter , without the sweltering heat of summer, with the average 360 mm rainfall, the annual average temperature of 10 ℃, the average annual sunshine hours 2446 hours, the frost-free period of 180 days and above. City tree: Sophora japonica; Flower: Rose.

Lanzhou Yellow River Basin is the only city which the Yellow River to wear the same cities, urban rivers, mountains hydrostatic dynamic, and formed a unique and beautiful urban landscape. In order to highlight urban landscape features, is currently two speed up the implementation of the North-South Mountain and the Yellow River green environment customs comprehensive development of tourism projec