
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/27 03:51:29
我国的企业信息化建设从上个世纪70年代开始起步,中国信息化较晚,但发展却迅速,但也在企业信息化建设中不免存在这样或那样的问题,而这些问题需要因人而异地处理.信息战略管理的方法能否有效的实施对企业的竟争有着至关重要的作用。与此同时,管理的核心是人,知识经济的出现意味着在未来的人类生产中,人力资源在生产要素中所占的比例越来越大,如何企业提出培育人才,提升企业领导力;如何防止IT人员跳槽都是让企业老总们最令人头疼的。系统的建设是一个反反复复曲曲折折的过程,系统的建设过程需要花费大量的经费和精力。如果企业要提高营运效率,提高企业的竟争力,使企业不致于落后于别的企业,这些耐心和精力是必须付出的。所以战略管理人员必须知道怎样有效地进行企业的信息化建设,必须知道怎样地规划企业的发展战略。企业想在世界上独霸一方,就应该未雨绸缪,先行建立起知识,信息储备系统,规划好人才战略, 只有这样才能使得企业战略达到最终效果,才能使得企业不断发展壮大。


China's construction enterprise information from the 1970s began, and the China Information of late, but development is rapid, but also in the building of enterprise information could not exist or that kind of problems, and these problems need to vary from person to person handle. strategic information management approach is effective in the implementation of the competitive enterprises have a critical role. At the same time, management is the core of people, the emergence of a knowledge-based economy means that in the future the production of human beings, human resources in the production elements of the increasing proportion of large enterprises how to nurture talent, and reinforce their leadership and how to prevent IT Staff switched to corporate executives are the most daunting. System construction is an iterative process of the twists and turns, the system's construction process needs to spend a lot of funding and effort. If the enterprise to improve operational effici