
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 17:21:01
从前有个小女孩,一天她在路上采了一朵花,回到家里,她妈妈看到了,说:“这么漂亮的花哪来的啊?”她说:“妈妈,这花是从路边采的啊!那边还有好多呢!”小姑娘本以为妈妈会夸奖她,可是妈妈说:“不能乱采花的啊!那些花儿是给大家看的,你怎么能乱采呢??”小女孩哭着说:“妈妈,我以后再也不采花了。”“ 真乖!”

a long time ago there was a lillte girl .She picked a flower on her way home one day .after came back home ,her mother saw that then said:"how beautiful it is !where is it from?""mommy,i picked it on the side of the road,there are so many flowers."the little said and thought that her mother would praise her,but her mother told to her :"don't pick the flowers ,the flowers is for watching ,not for picking."the little girl cried:mother ,i will not pick flower any more."
then her mother praised her .

long long ago, there was a little girl.she gathered a flower on the side of the rode. when she returned home, her mother saw the flower andasked her:" where have you got the beautiful flower?" the little girl replied:" i gathered it on the side of the road, there are still many now!" she thought her mother would praise her. but her mother said:" don't gather flowers again! those flowers are belonging to all the