
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 12:59:24
随着网络泡沫的破灭,越来越多的电子商务网站无法实现持续运营与发展。如何对电子商务网站进行评价,以提高服务质量与盈利能力日渐受到人们的重视与关注。为此本文概括阐述了电子商务网站评价的原则和作用, 对电子商务网站评价的方法与指标体系进行了整理与分析, 并指出了我国电子商务网站评价研究和应用的不足之处和发展方向。

Evaluation of e-commerce sites as the Internet bubble burst, a growing number of e-commerce sites can not be achieved from continuing operations and development. How to evaluate e-commerce sites to improve service quality and profitability by increasing people's attention and concern. This paper summed up the e-commerce sites on the principles and evaluation of the role of e-commerce sites and methods of evaluation index system for the finishing and analysis, and pointed out that China's e-commerce site evaluation study and application of the inadequacies of the development and direction.
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Evaluation of e-commerce sites
With the Internet bubble burst, a growing number of e-commerce sites can not be achieved from continuing operations and development. How to evaluate e-commerce sites to improve service quality and profitability by increa