
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 08:14:13
【摘 要】:本文以NaN3 处理作为阳性对照.以自来水处理作为阴性对照.用紫露草微核监删法对海拉尔区伊敏何具有代表性的12个水样进行监测评价结果表明:各水样微核率与阴性对照数目比都有较明显升高.紫露草对“三致物质”(致癌、致
【关键字】:紫露草;微核;NaN3 ”再次感谢大家支持!

In order to enhance the rate concerns, the question again, the master Comments: "Purple open grass-use nuclear technology for monitoring water pollution in the sea area Yiminhe study
Abstract: NaN3 to deal with this as a positive control. To deal with tap water as a negative control. Lu grass with purple-nuclear supervisors cut the Hailar District of Ho Yimin representative of the 12 water samples for monitoring and evaluation results show that: the water-rate and negative control have more than the number increased significantly. Purple Grass Lu on the "three to the material" (carcinogenic, to
Abnormal, mutagenic) to stimulate the reaction and people have a high degree of correlation. To monitor the Yiminhe a slight pollution should arouse people's attention, to reduce the incidence of cancer.
[Keyword: The Purple Lu grass; micro-nuclear; NaN3 "Thank you again!

比如紫露草 海拉尔区伊敏何 这些东西

Abstract:This text deals w