
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 06:36:35
改革开放以来,外资在推动中国经济发展方面虽发挥了重要的积极作用,但也引起诸多消极作用。在看到它带来的对经济的巨大促进作用的同时,应该对它对我国经济安全的威胁保持警惕。本文首先从理论上分析了外资对国家经济的作用和威胁,在此基础上以江苏为例,分析新时期江苏省利用外资状况和江苏在利用外资上存在的问题,接着再分析外资对江苏经济安全的影响以及成因,最后提出了逐步减少对外资的各项优惠政策, 给其国民待遇,完善有关外资的法律体系,加强对外资企业经营活动的监管等措施来应对外资对我国经济安全的威胁,充分发挥外资在促进经济发展中的重要作用,减少其负面影响,以确保我国经济安全。

Although since the reform and open policy, the foreign capital has been impelling the Chinese economic development aspect to play the vital positive role, but also causes many negative effects.While saw it brings to economical huge promoter action, should maintain the vigilance to our country economic security threat.This article has first analyzed the foreign capital theoretically to the state economy function and the threat, based on this take Jiangsu as the example, analyzes the new time Jiangsu Province use foreign capital condition and Jiangsu the question which exists in the use foreign capital, then again analyzes the foreign capital to the Jiangsu economic security influence as well as the origin, finally proposed reduces gradually to the foreign capital each preferential policy, for its national treatment, the consummation related foreign capital's legal framework, strengthens to Foreign-funded enterprise operative activity measures and so on supervision deals with the