
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 05:29:31

Cao Zhi was of one of the famous poets in China's history of literature, known as the "Elite of Jian'an." His poems are informative, enthusiastic and full of passion, followed by beautiful wording and organized phrases. The use of imagery is very rich in his poems, which reached a comparatively high level of liberal arts. Some of the classic imageries include prince, chivalric, resented woman, sun, bird, etc. These features have their own characteristics and have created a new conception for Cao Zhi’s poetry. The causes of these imageries can be researched and analyzed substantially based on the background, poet’s personal experiences, personality and talent, the influence of other works of literature at the time, and other related comprehensive factors. Thereafter an overall conclusion can be made with all these analysis.

Cao Zhi of China's literary history one of the famous poet, known as "Jian'an of Inchcape." His poetry not only informat