
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 02:32:14
Technologies for the Development of Agent-based Distributed Applications
Mobile agent computing is an extension of the earlier idea of "process migration". Mobile agent technology offers several potential benefits over conventional client-server computing that could help improve classic distributed systems designs, which are usually based on the well-known remote procedure call (RPC) or its object-oriented equivalent, remote method invocation (RMI).
Mobile software agents enable a shift in the communications paradigm of distributed systems from what is called "data shipping" to "function shipping." Key to this shift is the higher level of abstraction that a mobile software agent can provide compared to a RPC or a RMI call because its code is autonomous. This autonomy should theoretically reduce network load and communication overhead in distributed applications as well as facilitate the development o


移动代理计算机的运作是较早“进程迁移”理念的延伸 。与传统的客户-服务器计算相比,移动代理技术拥有几种潜在的好处,可以有助改善经典的分布式系统的设计。经典的分布式系统的设计通常基于众所周知的远程过程调用( RPC )或其面向对象的当量--远程方法调用( RMI) 。
移动软件代理商,使的通讯范式的分布式系统从所谓的“数据航运”转换到“功能航运” 。这一转变的关键是更高层次的抽象,也就是因为移动软件Agent的代码是自治的,所以它可以提供可与一个 RPC或一个RMI相比的通话。这种自主权应当在理论上减少网络负载和通信开销在分布式应用以及促进潜在的不可靠的网络计算环境应用软件的发展。
此外,或许更重要的是,普遍的代理使基础设施为分布式应用的任意目的提供了一个共同的平台。考虑到后记中由Chess, Harrison, and Kershenbaum所举的例子证明了一个规范的移动代理执行环境所能提供的优势。后记文件由后记翻译和发送到打印服务器的程序,它只能被动的介绍输入文字。例如微软文字文件。