求摇滚名曲 Bohemian Rhapsody 的译文

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 08:43:11

Bohemian Rhapsody

Is this the real life 是真实生活吗
Is this just fantasy 或只是狂想呢
Caught in a landslide 被山崩般的压倒性捕捉
No escape from reality 完全无法逃离真实
Open your eyes 张开双眼
Look up to the skies and see 向上仰望天空
I'm just a poor boy, 我只是可怜的小男孩
I need no sympathy 我不需要同情
Because I'm easy come,easy go, 因为我要来就来说走就走
A little high little low, 一点点激昂一点点低潮
Anyway the wind blows 无论风怎麼吹
doesn't really matter to me,To me 对我都不重要了
Mama,just killed a man, 妈妈 我刚杀了人
Put a gun against his head, 用枪砥著他的头
Pulled my trigger now he's dead, 扣了板机现在他死了
Mama,life had just begun, 妈妈 我生命才刚开始
But now I've gone and thrown it all away 但现在我必须抛弃一切离开了
Mama ooo, 妈妈 呜
Didn't mean to make you cry 无意让你哭泣
If I'm not back again this time tomorrow 但如果明天此时我没有再回来
Carry on carry on as if nothing really matters 请继续生活就当都不重要

Too late, my time has come, 太迟了 我大限已至Sends shivers down my spi