
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/12 19:06:36


摘要: CI即Corporate Identity的缩写,即企业形象或企业识别,通过CI设计使形象广为人知、深入人心,在提升企业知名度、传播企业文化方面作用显著。现在的消费者,一般说来不满足于以往物美价廉的追求,逐步往服务性消费和商品自身及附加值的追求转变。本文首先论述了选择加州阳光CI策划的原因,并对其进行定位。随后在理论上对加州阳光CI策划进行总结和归纳,提出了一些在实际应用中可以参考的指导原则和所要达到的基本目标,在设计中只有灵活应用才能有益于二者...


Discusses California sunlight CI to plan

摘要: CI即Corporate Identity的缩写,即企业形象或企业识别,通过CI设计使形象广为人知、深入人心,在提升企业知名度、传播企业文化方面作用显著。现在的消费者,一般说来不满足于以往物美价廉的追求,逐步往服务性消费和商品自身及附加值的追求转变。本文首先论述了选择加州阳光CI策划的原因,并对其进行定位。随后在理论上对加州阳光CI策划进行总结和归纳,提出了一些在实际应用中可以参考的指导原则和所要达到的基本目标,在设计中只有灵活应用才能有益于二者...
Abstract: CI is the Corporate Identity abbreviation, namely the enterprise image or the enterprise distinguish, causes the image person through the CI design to know widely, to strike root in the hearts of the people, in the promotion enterprise popularity, the dissemination enterprise culture aspect affects obviously. Present's consumer, did not satisfy in general formerly the excellent in quality and reasonable in price pursue, gradually toward ministrant expense and commodity own and added value pursue transformation. This article first elaborated has chosen the California sunlight CI plan the reason, and carried on the localization to it. Afterward carries on the summary