
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/09 00:18:12
他一出场就与众不同。带着一身忧郁,隐去了光芒。总是灰心、失望、冷漠、凄凉。在老贝勒满法庭,虽然他为达尔内的被释立了头功。事后他保持局外人的身份并不参加对达尔内的祝贺。等到别人都走了,他才向达尔内建议“‘Why don’t you call a health’‘why don’t you give your toast?’”“‘Miss Manette’”①此时他已爱上了曼内特小姐。此后,当他否认自己曾经注意过露西时,一种忧伤的情绪笼罩着他。正是因为他太小看自己,似乎有点自卑,因此他放任了自己,又因为放任而感到绝望。他是个很有才华,感情深厚的人,却无法用才华和情感为自己获得幸福。

"Records in Shuangcheng" center, I most like, also is makes I most affected person is attorney assistant Sydney □Carlton. He is a talent outstanding attorney, the surface on actually sluggishly indulges. Willingly would rather hides after the person, makes stepping-stone which the others succeeds. He compromises to the environment, but sometimes actually appears is incompatible with. He as if personally built a wall, has isolated own with, with the advantage, with the society, silently stopped over in the quoin. Sydney □Carlton are moves people to tears to the Lucy □graceful in especially deep love, his lofty personality shakes the person heart and soul. He this kind of lofty emotion is we imagines with difficulty, he finally obtained the mind tranquility, has made in the sacrificial altar sacrifice, brought the most beautiful emotion to say goodbye to the person which loved, but he could obtain the eternal life in spouse's heart. He as soon as enters the stage out of