
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/07 08:48:44
,中西方谈话风格不同。中国人极其重视给人留面子,因此在表达对他人批评和不同意见时,一 般都采用间接、迂回、含蓄、模糊的方式,不喜欢把话说得太绝,以免伤了听话人的积极面子。而西方人喜欢开诚布公地发表相同或不同的意见,因此他们的谈话风格则倾向于直接、坦率、求实。中国人对他人批 评时,为了群体和谐或照顾对方的面子,一般是先肯定优点,然后话锋一转,委婉地指出一点不足,或给予 鼓励,希望对方改正诸如此类。中国人在拒绝别人时,一般不直接说不行,而是说“以后再说吧”或“再考虑考虑”等类似的话。而西方人在听到此类话常常是莫名其妙,而且他们觉得这是很不礼貌的。他们在通常 情况下就直接说“no ”或“It ’s impo ssible”等,因为在他们看来这并不会威胁听话人的积极面子。

In the Western style of conversation. Chinese people attach great importance to people face to stay, so the expression of different opinions and criticisms of others, are generally used indirect, circuitous, subtle and ambiguous way, and do not like the words too must, so as not to hurt people obey the positive face. Westerners like to open and to express the same or different opinions, so their conversation style tend to direct, frank and realistic. Chinese criticism to others, in order to group harmony or take care of each other's face, the general is surely merits first, and then changed the subject, to point out that less than Euphemism, or to encourage the hope that the other side to correct this kind. Chinese people in the refusal of others, generally do not directly said no, but said that "after repeat it" or "further consideration" and other similar words. And to hear such words in the West are often baffling, and they think this is very impolite of.