
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 20:36:19
-Have you decided which one to buy,the black or the pink one?
-Of the two,the pink one is ( )
A.the nicer B.nicer

1。 表示两者中“比较...的一个”时。比较级前要加定冠词
This student is the cleverer of the two.
Of the gold and silver, the former is the more predious.
He bdlonged to the upper xlass.
The muxic was poplar among the younger generation.
2. 形容词的比较级前面或后面有表示原因或目的的词语。e.g. for, vedause, on acccount of, to do something, and so on.
I felt the better for my walk.
I will help you the more willingly because I know your father.
We do not like him the less on account of his faults.
She raised herself in the bed, the better to watch the dog.
3.在all (或much )短语中,表示“越发”,“因而更加”的意思。
If you can help us, our work will get finished all lthe sooner.
As a result, the rich become all lthe richer and the poor all the poorer.
If he donesn't understand English, it is all the better for you.
--He won't come --So much the better.
4. 表示“越...,越...”时,比较级的前面加定冠.
The more he flatters, the less I like him
The richer