
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 03:30:38

Tom was an eight-year-old boy.He come to a new town with his parents.His family was very rich(富有的).They lived in a big,beautiful house with a big garden.They had a driver,a cook,a gardener(园丁) anda lot of servants(佣人).
Tom was going to a new school.On the first day his mother said to him,“Tom,be modest(谦虚) at school.Don't say we are rich.”
Tom said,“All right,Mom.”
Then Tom went to his new school and met his new teacher and new classmates.And he sat down with the other children in his class.The teacher said,“Good morning,boys and girls.This is Tom,your new classmate.Now let him introduce himself to you.”
Tom stood up and said,“My name is Tom.My family is poor(穷).My father is very poor.The gardener is very poor.The cook is very poor.And all the other servants are very poor.So I am very poor,too``` ”

A woman wanted to reach her husband on his mobil phone but discovered that she was out of credit ;she instructed her son to use his