
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 02:59:39

western government don't have rights to tell a media what they should say or what they shouldn't say
另外说一句 第一个的答案千万别用 把媒体翻成MEDIUM 你就可以直接PASS了
还有 这个句子很失礼 好比贼喊捉贼一样这个句子把西方政府换成中国政府就PERFECT了如果这么写出去一定会引人发笑的 最好用婉转一点的表达方式
另外, Matter1 你说话要有凭有据好不?你了解CNN不你就胡说八道?要就事论事别把奥运撤进去

哈哈 受政府影响 ````错了 是受到国家价值观影响! 而中国的媒体是纯粹被国家控制 这2个有着本质区别 不要因为今年的事情就认为CNN被政府怎么怎么样 你怎么不拿CNN 抨击政府的事实来说事啊?

The Western authority has on right to tell what a media should do or should not.

west goverment no right to tell the media what they can say

Western authories do not have the rights to change the wind of a media telling them what they should say or not.

The Western Government don't have rights at all to control a media what they should report.
