
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/08 00:56:53
我是一名大三的学生,专业是法学,辅修的日语,英语过6级。打算今年日本语能力测试考二级,应该也能办到。我现在在宁波大学,目标是今后去外企或者外贸,各位大人帮我分析一下,我该做什么工作比较好??有没有什么建议?? 谢谢!!!!


To be frank, no one can help you to design your future. Trust yourself. Find the job you like is better than what we advanced.

Actually i will graduate at JULY this year. I had the same question like you before. I also wonder whether i will fit my possition now. But i still keep going. I never give up. I hope you will too.

Action is very very different from thinking. SO, dont be shy, just try. failure is not important. We should concluded the experience what is wrong as well as how we can change it.

So in a work, do not ask this question again. Believe yourself, you should be more confident. the opportunity is for those who had prepared.

From your question, it seems you hadn't prepared enough, althou