翻译一段文章 汉译英

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 23:24:58
在Mg2+-药物二元体系中,逐渐滴加DNA溶液,考察荧光猝灭作用。考虑到在真核细胞液内,Mg2+的浓度一般为1-2 mmol•L-1,故选择Mg(Ⅱ)的浓度1.0 mmol•L-1,实验求得猝灭常数Ksv=7.28×103L •mol-1。与Mg2+不存在时DNA对药物溶液的荧光猝灭常数4.32×103L •mol-1相比较,表明Mg2+的存在使药物对DNA的作用有所增强,Mg2+促进了药物与DNA的相互作用。同样考察温度对于体系荧光猝灭的影响,结果荧光猝灭程度亦随温度升高而增大。进一步考察三者相互作用机制,Mg2+可与药物分子中的羧基和羰基上的氧原子络合,对于药物的内源性荧光本身有猝灭作用,但猝灭程度较小,根据文献和实验结果认为Mg2+可能作为药物分子与DNA相互作用的桥梁,形成了药物-Mg2+-DNA三元络合物,即Mg2+既与药物分子中的羧基和羰基上的氧原子络合,又与DNA分子的磷酸基团作用。

MgCl2 and other reagents are the analytically pure, the experiment water used are two distilled water, after examines the non-fluorescence impurity. Adds by drops the DNA solution to contains in the Mg2+ medicine solution, the determination fluorescence spectrum, inspects to both interaction influence. At present the medicine and the DNA function way was not still clear. The Shen study team once reported that the medicine is not the direct action in the DNA gyrase, but after the DNA union has the pharmacological action, and thought that the medicine is selectively and the single stranded DNA function. Paul et al. proposed that the medicine and the double strand DNA union is realizes through the magnesium ion as the bridge medicine - Mg2+-DNA three Yuan compounds. These discoveries have caused the people affect and unify the pattern to DNA and the medicine union enormous interest in the Mg2+- medicine binary system, adds by drops the DNA solution gradually, the inspection fluorescenc