
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/03 15:21:29
This matter having come before this Court on affidavits pursuant to SDCL25-4-17.3;the Summons and Verified Complaint having been served upon the Defendant on November8,2005,as shown by the Defendant's Admission of Service on file herein,and more than sixty days having elapsed since such service;it appearing to the Court that the Plaintiff was represented by counsel,Gregg A.Gass


本案依据SDCL25-4-17.3执行证明书而带到本庭上接受裁判;正如被告有效执行文件中描述的那样,在超过执行期60天的时候,传票和核对无误的控诉状于2005年11月8日送达被告;法院确认原告由Gregg A.Gass律师代表。