
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 21:18:33
畏上欺下 官僚作风盛行 社会恶疾 安于现状,贪图享受 危机意识 对经济和就业前景抱悲观态度 没有人生目标 得过且过 保护伞 以牺牲个人生活为代价 包罗万象 政府拖延改革所带来的严重社会后果

Therefore, the prevalence of bullying, bureaucratic society vicious things, just enjoy the sense of crisis on the economy and employment prospects have not pessimistic attitude to life goals along umbrella government at the expense of the lives of individuals at the expense of all delays caused by serious social consequences of reform