关于not only,but also与强调

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 23:42:49
我想请问一下关于not only, but also的问题,字典上有这样一句话,说:
He not only read the book, but also he remembered what he had read.请问在这句话中可不可以说成He didn't only read the book呢?
为什么助动词do没有出现,是不是在not only, but also的结构中都不用加助动词?
如果要说‘他不仅说得一口流利的英语,而且日语也不错。’应说成He doesn't only speak good Engl-ish, but also Japanese.还是He not only speaks good English, but also Japanese.(还想请问在b-ut also后,如果要把省略部分补充出来,应为speaks Japanese还是speak Japanese)
My parents think I didn't study for my exams, but I did study.
那请问强调be动词与情态动词该用什么方法呢?‘我确实是一个学生。’可翻译为I do be a student.吗?

not only,but also是个固定搭配
but also后面补充时态与前面相同,用speaks
应该为Do I be a student!

1) Nouns
My sister plays not only the piano but (also) the violin.
2) Adjectives
His wife Sindy is not only beautiful but (also) wise.
3) Verbs
He did not only donate a lot of money to help those homeless aboriginals but (also)
offer job opportunities to them.
4) Phrases
The scientist is famous not only in China but (also) in foreign countries.
5) Clauses
Not only did we lose all our money, but we (also) lost a lot of time.