
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 17:52:32
教育经历: 2003年6月至2006年6月 武汉电力职业技术学院 机电一体化
2007年2月至2009年2月 武汉科技大学 机械制造与自动化
通过全国英语三级考试 学位英语考试 计算机二级考试
制图员中级证 数控加工中心操作中级证
(05年被评为优秀团员干部 06年被评为优秀毕业生)

2006年5月至今 武汉凯迪蓝天科技有限公司

从开始工作至今参与了公司吉林二道江.内蒙古乌达.吉林吉化.焦作AES.广州南玻.鞍钢中央电站 、二发电、 北区、 凌钢发电.沈阳沈海电厂 等10多个电厂脱硫项目机械专业的设计与校核;
熟练运用auto CAD PRO/E PDMS等平面设计和三维设计软件;

本人性格乐观 .诚实守信.热爱体育运动。

Education: June 2003 to June 2006 the Wuhan Institute of Electrical and Mechanical Power vocational and technical integration
February 2007 to February 2009 the Wuhan University of Science and Technology machinery manufacturing and automation
Through the examination of the three English degree in English secondary examination of computer examination
Cartographers NC Intermediate card processing center operated Intermediate card
(05 were rated as outstanding members of 06 cadres were rated as outstanding graduates)

Work experience:
May 2006 has Wuhan Kaidi blue sky Technology Co., Ltd.
(By the end of 07 were rated as outstanding staff)

Job skills:
Work on the 200 MW power plant unit following NID small island of dry desulfurization equipment and rotating non-standard equipment design;
From the beginning so far participated in the company's Jilin 2. Wuda Inner Mongolia. Jilin Ji of. Jiaozuo AES. Guangzhou Nanb