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来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/02 17:43:07
成材 成人 成功
摘要:成材 成人 成功 将围绕一个人的一生,有人说成人成材了就能成功,可好多事实都证明这一观点不是绝对的!随着社会的不断进步,中国的各方面都日趋辉煌,更何况今年的奥运会的举办更给中国带来了巨大的利润及地位,可是这些都足以让每个人产生压力,压力的产生也就注定想要成材 成人 成功的不容易!
此文分别从成材 成人 成功三个方面进行议论。成材,关键是看他是否充分发挥了自身潜能,充分实现了自己的人生价值,这样思想压力就小了;成人,大千世界,芸芸众生,人只要找出自己的闪光点,或者为社会,他人奉献了自己的微薄之力,他就实现了成人;成功,人生不是一帆风顺,大风大浪也必须经受,可是过去之后,你也许不是百万富翁,但是只要有成就你就成功了。

To become useful adults success
Abstract: to become useful adults will be successful on a person's life, some people say that adults can become useful a success, many facts have proved that this view is not absolute! As society progresses, all aspects of China's increasingly brilliant, not to mention this year's Olympic Games will be held more to China has brought great profits and status, but these are enough to let everyone have a pressure, the pressure would have doomed Want to become useful adults success is not easy!
This article were to become useful adults from the success of three areas of discussion. To become useful, the key is whether he can give full play to their own potential, the full realization of their life values, such ideological pressure on small; adults, Taiqianshijie, Yunyunzhongsheng, who find themselves the Shanguang Dian, or for the community, others dedicated Its modest power, he realized adults; success, lif