谁能帮忙翻译一下英文文献 -十万火急

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 23:36:19
CMC-ase was assayed viscometrically as described by Maclachlan (1988) in a final volume of
1.0 mL containing 0.5% CMC (w/v) in 50 mM citrate, 50 mM phosphate, 0.1% (w/v) NaN3 adjusted
to the required pH, plus sufficient enzyme to evoke 5-20% loss in initial viscosity in 2 h at 32OC.
One unit of CMC-ase activity was defined as the amount of enzyme required to reduce viscosity by
1% in 2 h under the above conditions. The capacity of enzyme extracts to hydrolyse the backbone of
tamarind seed XG was measured under the same conditions as CMC-ase in the presence or absence of
0.02% (w/v) tamarind XG oligosaccharide. The activity is referred to here as XG-ase by analogy with
CMC-ase. This is not intended to imply that these enzyme activities are due necessarily to P-glucanases
which are specific to CMC or XG as substrates. Likewise, although one unit of XG-ase activity is
defined in the same way as one unit of CMC-ase activity, the absolute values

中央军委酶活性测定viscometrically所描述的麦克拉克伦( 1988年)在最后货量

一点○毫升含0.5 % ,中央军委(瓦特/ v )在50毫米柠檬酸,磷酸50毫米, 0.1 % (瓦特/ V )的nan3调整

到所需的pH值,再加上足够的酶,以唤起5-20 %的损失初步粘度在2 h后在32oc 。


1 % ,在2 h后,根据上述条件。的能力,酶提取物对hydrolyse骨干


0.02 % (瓦特/ V )的罗望子xg低聚糖。该活动是指这里作为xg酶类推

羧甲基纤维素酶。这是无意暗示,这些酶活性是由于一定为P - glucanases

这是具体到管委会或xg作为衬底。同样地,虽然一个单位的xg -酶活性是


