
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 02:19:52
秋风送爽,在这喜迎教师佳节的美好时刻,我有幸参与此次升国旗演讲,心情非常激动。此刻,请允许我向曾经关心过我的各位领导、同事以及学生家长表示忠心的感谢。今天我演讲的题目是 ¬¬— 《骄傲》。


。 身为人师,在这收获的金秋,又赋予我对这个神圣职业更多的感慨:虽然这一职业很辛苦,但我骄傲,我是一名人民教师。三尺讲台是我的人生舞台,白色粉笔是我的人生画笔。因为热爱,我深情地演绎着我的人生。因为执着,我微笑着写下希望,擦去功利。

我不会用金钱的尺子来丈量我的价值,因为我知道,我不是栋梁,但我的事业是栋梁。我不会让知识的清泉变成一潭死水。因为我知道,我不是未来,但我的事业是未来。在高大的灌木面前我不曾悲哀,因为大地不会忘记小草的绿色。在宽阔的海洋面前我不曾气馁,因为我拥有大海一样的胸怀!我骄傲,我是一名教师!我无悔于自己的选择! 万里青云展开路,待鲲鹏奋搏。

Leaders, teachers: Good morning!
Autumn sent Shuang, teachers celebrate the festive season in this beautiful moment, I was fortunate to participate in the flag-raising speech, the mood is very exciting. At this point, allow me to have to care about my leadership, colleagues and parents of students expressed appreciation for loyalty. Today, I lecture on the topic of ¬ ¬ - "proud."

Childhood, I admire the most is the teacher. They are engineers of human souls - a pen work, the language planting, watering with sweat, with painstaking efforts moisture. This is the perseverance has given me endless strength, so that my life and faith more firmly. Thus, in the crossroads of life, I decided to choose the teachers in the profession, from entering the hot land for the education. I am proud of my choice.

. As a person divisions, harvest in the autumn, I give to this sacred occupation more mixed feelings: Although this occupation is very hard, bu