
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/23 22:25:14

no matter join a job or continual study ,you will face lots of difficultys in the future!


You will surely face many difficulties, either starting the career or continuing study. 这里的either or 就可以表示都将的意思了,不必死抠字面意思,灵活些。

No matter join a job or continual study ,you will eventually face lots of difficultys in the future!

Althong you have a chioce between joining a job or going on study,there also are lots of difficultys in the future.


Whether to work or continue to stuy, you will still face many difficulties in the future.

Whether to work or continue to learn, you will be faced with many difficulties sometimes.

no matter后面要跟what,how,when,where等这样的wh疑问词。你可以采取三楼的either or 这个结构