高一英语人教版 句子翻译(很简单的) 帮忙一下...现在就要

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/18 05:10:08

1.他们不仅仅是同学(more than)
2.由于没赶上末班车,我们只好乘出租车了(because of)
3.那个问题从来没发生过(come up)
4.我在昨晚的晚会上遇到了一位老朋友(come a cross)
5.这篇新闻报道是完全以事实为根据的(be based on)
6.30位客人出席了会议(be present at)
7.我们必须利用每一分钟去学习(make use of)

1.They are more than students.
2.We have to take a taxi because of missing the last bus.
3.That problem never came up before.
4.I came across an old friend at the party last night.
5.The news report is based on fact completely.
6.30 guests were present at the conference.
7.We must make use of every minute to study.
8.He commands us to set out immediately.
9.Li Ming requested a computer from his parents.


1. More than they are classmates!
2. Because of having no catching up with the last bus,we have no
choice but to take a taxi.
3. That problem never come up before.
4. In the last night's dinner,I came a aross an old friend !
5. This news report is completely based on the facts!
6. 30 guests were present at the meeting!
7. We must make use of every minute to learn.
8. He commanded us to start immediately.
9. Liming reuest his parents a computer.

1.他们不仅仅是同学(more tha