
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/12 15:58:20
分别用sb spend和it take sb和sth cost sb各造一个句啊. 谢谢勒`!

I spent three hours on this project last night.
It took me three hours to complete this project last night.
This project cost me three hours last night.

She spends hundreds of dollars on junk food every month.
It takes her hundreds of dollars to buy junk food every month.
Junk food costs her hundreds of dollars every month.

I spend two dollars to buy this book.
It takes me two dollars to buy this book.
This book costs me two dollars.

He spent 1 yuan on the newspaper
It took him 1 hour to finish
The book cost him 13 yuan

She spent two hours on her homework.
She spent two hours (in) doing her homework.

It took us half an hour to come here.

The book cost me ten dollars.

I spend 10 dollars on this book.
It takes me 10 dollars to buy the book.
This book cost me 10 dollars.(此句为过去时)