
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/28 11:15:12
“你不是我梦想中的女孩,我也不是你梦想中的男孩,以后各走各路吧。 保重。”

请达人翻译成英文。一定要 语法正确。通顺。词要用得恰当!

You're not the girl I dream of while I'm not the boy you desire. Let's go our separate ways. Take care of yourself!

you are not my ideal girl,and i am not your ideal boy ,let's go separately afterwards,take care of yourself

you are not the girl I dreamt of,and I'm also not your prince.We just say goobye here,Good luck!

you are not the kind of girl who I dream of and I am not the boy that you thought .Let we go our separate ways,take care

You are not the kind of girl that I thought you were, and I am not the kind of boy that you thought I were, let go our separate ways. Take care.