How to put my information on any search engine?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/04 13:02:06
That is my personal information in a certain web or there is a new business web site,how can other people know them using any search engine(eg baidu or google)?Answer it by English,please.I'm so hurry now,thank U.
My friends,but my question is only make search engine hunt my information not commerce method
just a little skill.可能大家误解我的意思了,我的目的只是要让搜索引擎更容易的搜索到我放在一些冷僻的网站或BBS上的信息.

If you want a free search service you would do nothing bu improve your site. Your site will be searched more and more if it becomes a good one.

If you pay for it, your site will be searched more quickly.

But like my site, just a new BBS. It has been searched in many times. You can try to search '军衔等级' in and you will find my site. It's just a fun.
