
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/21 12:38:36
中国的法律及 政策 都是以中国共产党的领导下 制定 贯彻,执行。中国只有中国共产党 一个政党。中国由中国共产党来领导。发扬民主,反对个人主义。把国家跟集体的利益放在第一位,个人利益放在之后。
在中国信仰自由,基督教在 中国法律的规定范围内 可受到法律的保护。但是 传教是不允许的。 中国公民和中国境内居住的外国人 除了特别规定外 都得跟随中国法律和政策。

Chinese laws and policies are under the leadership of the Communist Party of China to develop and implement the Executive. China is only a political party, the Communist Party of China. China led by the Communist Party of China. Promote democracy and oppose individualism. The collective interests of the country with the first place, and on personal interests after.
Freedom of conscience in China, Christianity in China within the framework of the law can be protected by law. But missionary work is not allowed. Chinese citizens and foreigners living in China in addition to special provisions had to follow Chinese laws and policies.