求救 明天英语补考 达人们帮我翻译一下啊

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 03:08:27
明天英语专业补考, 达人们帮我翻译一下啊。 是20道商务英语原题, 汉译英 就这一次机会了, 很急 很急 大家帮帮忙啊 !!! 万分感激!!!
1 我们希望贵方对我们办理订货的方式感到满意,并希望再次为贵方服务。
2 如果到12月10日我们仍未收到您的足额款项,就将把帐单交由专门的收款机构处理。
3 您仍未支付那笔319.04美元的账单,不知是何缘故?
4 希望您再次光临本店,并盼望有机会为您服务。
5 我们总是乐于与贵公司做买卖,并将继续以高质量的工业设备为您提供服务。
6 我们检查了部分产品,发现它们已严重受损。
7 如果没有你们的明确指示,我们将按一般惯例投保水溃险和战争险。
8 请按发票价加10%投保 。
9 关于第124号合同项下的500台缝纫机,我方将自行办理保险。
10 现将支票退还贵方,敬请核对。待贵方于银行协调妥当后,请与本周内付清款项。
11 我们检查了部分产品,发现它们没有任何损坏。
12 请用保兑的不可撤销的即期付款信用证支付。
13 如果到12月10日我们仍未收到您的足额款项,就将取消合同。
14 感谢您于7月28日 所支付的200美元(支票1429),但该支票遭到了贵方银行退票, 原因是账户资金不足。
15 希望您抓住机会,抓紧时间订购

1.I hope you can be satisfied by our way of processing the good reservation, and hope to serve you again.
2.The bill will sent to professional collecting angency if your payment is still not fully paid by 10th of December.
3.I dont know the reason that you still havent pay the 319.04 dollars' bill.
4.Hope you can come again, and looking forward to serving you.
5.We are always willing to do business with your company, and the quality of the industrial facility will be impoved for better service for you.
6.We find the products are seriously damaged by partially checking.
7.Without your definite designation, we are going to buy insurance on W.P.A and War Risk.
8.Please buy the insurance according to 10% price of the invoice.
9.As for the 500 sartorius under the 124th contract, we will buy the insurance ourselves.
10.We return the cheque to you now, please check. Please pay the bill within this week after having checked with the bank.