翻译 人物生平 高分 一段话

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/07/05 15:33:37
Alston Scott Householder (1904–1993) was one of the first people to appreciate and promote the use of elementary reflectors for numerical applications. Although his 1937 Ph.D. disserta¬tion at University of Chicago concerned the calculus of variations, Householder’s passion was mathematical biology, and this was the thrust of his career until it was derailed by the war effort in 1944. Householder joined the Mathematics Division of Oak Ridge National Labora¬tory in 1946 and became its director in 1948. He stayed at Oak Ridge for the remainder of his career, and he became a leading figure in numerical analysis and matrix computations. Like his counterpart J. Wallace Givens (p. 333) at the Argonne National Laboratory, Householder was one of the early presidents of SIAM.

埃斯顿·斯科特·霍斯霍德 (1904-1993)是最早看好和推广数字应用基本作用的人。 虽然19337年他在芝加哥大学的博士论文是有关变分法的内容,但霍斯霍德钟爱的是数学生物学, 直到1944年的战乱,他才改变了职业生涯的方向, 霍斯霍德在1946年加入橡树岭国家实验室数学分部,并于1948年成为董事。他在橡树岭度过了他以后的职业生涯,在那里他成为数值分析和计算模型的领军人物,就像在Argonne国家实验室里的J.Wallace Givens(P333)一样,他是SIAM最初的董事之一。