
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 15:36:38
问题:Imagine that you are the directiors of a company, which owns an aging hotel in Tianjin. You want to be the first choice hotel of western customers. Outline the strategy changes which you would consider.

To do well the strategic management should establish the systems measurement of the performance for the corporations.
The strategic management is the management of the making and implement and control etc.
The crucial point of enterprise strategy management is how to attain the competitive predominance. This will be determined according to the circumstance of individual enterprises.
综合运用企业技术经济学、市场营销学和企业战略管理、企业人力资源管理等理论,系统分析了钼行业竞争力、市场供求关系、企业面对的挑战与机遇、优势与劣势,提出了企业市场定位的基本思路和技术创新战略的基本框架,还就战略实施中的要点进行了探讨。 Using some theories,such as technic economics,marketing and stratagic management of enterprises,the human resources management in molybdenum industry,relation between supply and demand in market,challenge and opportunity,predominance and inferior position which enterprises must face were analysed.The basic thought of market orientation for enterprises and basi