
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/25 21:29:10

[摘要] 中国市场开放带来了媒体的竞争。在激烈的市场竞争中,受众的地位发生了根本性变化,由被动的接受新闻转为主动的选择新闻。如何有效地吸引受众的注意力,成为现代传媒市场竞争的焦点所在。受众意识被普遍重视。举凡传播市场上的佼佼者,它们无一例外的都能够认清和把握自己的受众群,并且根据自身的特点调动一切手段来满足受众的需求。然而,大众传媒在满足受众需要的同时,应注意满足的质和量,掌握好满足的“度”。以网络新闻为例,应避免煽情新闻,避免一味迎合受众的低级趣味,使受众沉迷于消遣娱乐之中,要增强新闻的雅正性。

关键词:新闻 传播 受众意识

Realizes by the news dissemination in the audiences

[摘要] The Chinese market opening has brought the media competition. In the intense market competition, has occurred audiences' status the fundamental change, by passive accepts the news to transfer the initiative choice news. How effectively attracts audiences' attention, becomes the modern media market competition the focal point to be at. Realizes the audiences is taken generally. All disseminates in the market outstanding person, they exist not one exception all can clearly recognize and grasp own the numerous groups, and acts according to own characteristic to transfer all methods to satisfy audiences' demand. However, the populace media while satisfies which needs the audiences, should pay attention to the satisfied nature and the quantity, grasps "" satisfiedly. Take the Net News as the example, should avoid the sensational news, avoids catering to constantly audiences' vulgar interest, cau