
来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/22 20:21:10
In addition,we have recently explored the possibility of a strategic acquisition that we belived would generate significant cost reduction synergies and substantially strengthen our financial position in the medium and long term.While the acquisition could potentially have provided significant benefits,we have concluded that it is more important at the present time to focus on our immediate liquidity challenges,and.accordingly,we have set aside consideration of such a transaction as a near-term priority.We frequently discuss matters of mutual interest with other auto manufacturers and, as a matter of policy,we generally do not comment on these private discussions,which in many cases,do not lead anywhere.

此外,我们最近已探讨了可能的战略收购,我们相信将产生显着降低成本的协同作用,大大加强我们的财务状况在中期和长期.当收购可能提供了巨大的利益,我们已得出结论认为,更重要的是在目前把重点放在我们眼前的流动性挑战, 相应的,我们也预留了审议这种交易作为一个短期优先权.我们经常讨论双方共同关心的问题与其他汽车制造商,并作为政策问题,我们一般不私下讨论这些内容,换任何情况下来看,不会导致任何不好的结果。